Blog-Wastage: #1: How to compress three (3) separate posts of the same story into one (1) consolidated post:
SO SO SO ...... i told pj a joke today ...... and he didnt get it...i had to explain it to him... sighhhhh.... and i am supposed to be the blonde one here lol ahahahah
By accident a lil grey cell ends up in a guys brain... its dark.. empty... the cell yells.... "yuhuuuuuu"... no reply... its silent.. "yuhuu" the cell yells again.... nothing... then another cell comes along.... "hey whatchadoin here all alone??? we are all downstairs!!"
pearl_jam98 (09:11:03): how long this takes??
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel (09:11:11): its finished already
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel (09:11:13): duhhhhhhh
pearl_jam98 (09:11:44): wait im thinkin
pearl_jam98 (09:11:49): where s downstairs
pearl_jam98 (09:11:55): aww cummon
pearl_jam98: yO
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: yo
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: yo
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: got a problem yo
pearl_jam98: yes
pearl_jam98: i slept 9pm - 1am
pearl_jam98: brb
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: k
pearl_jam98: just tell me
pearl_jam98: im on off my seat thats all
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: ah saw you message on the tagboard
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: ha ha ah
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: that was my problem
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: i couldnt blog long then the post sign dissapeard
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: when i wanted to put it all in one blog
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: so i had to split
pearl_jam98: hehe
pearl_jam98: huhuuu
pearl_jam98: thats the trouble when ppl start blogging me
pearl_jam98: im paranormal wat
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: i scrolled up and down......but when i blogged to much it dissapeared
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: ah shadap
pearl_jam98: disppear how
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: the post puplish sign dissapears
pearl_jam98: mebbe just a browser error
pearl_jam98: ?
pearl_jam98: repeated error
pearl_jam98: ?
pearl_jam98: tried cold booting reboots
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: i dont know
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: i tried a few times
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: not working
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: then i split the blog lah
pearl_jam98: hehe
pearl_jam98: then how do u publish
pearl_jam98: when its gone u said
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: typed again
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: then i got tired of it and left to literati
pearl_jam98: but u did manage to p n p
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: yeah
pearl_jam98: u said it goes?
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: when i wrote just a few lines
pearl_jam98: ...
pearl_jam98: izzit a matter of duration of time u stay on a particular post event
pearl_jam98: or a matter of how much how long ur putting onto the post
pearl_jam98: ..
pearl_jam98: make me understand
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: how long the blog is
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: i write a few lines its ok
Do you really know who you are?
Or are you still finding yourself?
Answer these simple questions and by the end of it,
you'll get some answers to who you really are..
take the personality test now!
Goto My Der Weg Page
"..ich trag dich bei mir, bis der vorhang fällt.."
Herbert Grönemeyer - Der Weg
full wav sample Der Weg - download
I cannot do no more long
do not trust any longer my eyes
can hardly still believe
the feelings turned..
Ich kann nicht mehr sehn
trau nicht mehr meinen Augen
kann kaum noch glauben
die Gefühle haben sich gedreht..
this is an artist u can be sure..he sat down and wrote the songs himself...u can feel with him..cry with him (as i do).
The song that moves me the most is "DER WEG" (the way), about the love to his wife. I cry evertime i hear it.
I hope somebody one day loves me like that:(
Ich kann nicht mehr sehen, trau nicht mehr meinen augen. Kaum kaum noch glauben, gefühle haben sich gedreht. Ich bin viel zu träge um aufzugeben. Es wäre auch zu früh. Weil immer was geht.
Wir waren verschworen, wären füreinander gestorben, haben den regen gebogen uns vertrauen geliehen.
Wir haben versucht, auf der schussfahrt zu wenden.
nichts war zu spät, aber vieles zu früh.
Wir haben uns geschoben, durch alle gezeiten, haben uns verzettelt. Uns verzweifelt geliebt.
Wir haben die wahrheit so gut es ging verlogen.
Es war ein stück vom himmel, dass es dich gibt.
Du hast den raum mit sonne geflutet, hast jeden verdruss ins gegenteil verkehrt.Nordisch nobel deine sanftmütige güte.Dein unbändiger stolz. das leben ist nicht fair........
ty to all the ppl who made the party a good one 2 ppl who came who i didnt see in long time....1.missed u CONNY..was so happy to have u with me...and i hope everything will clear up...i am always there for you!!!!!!!
2. OLiIVER......what can i say.....wohaowww i almost fell asleep on the sofa beside you ystd lol...hope u forgive me.....was so damn nice to see you again..thank god for the gas station lol......i always enjoy our talks
SO........THANK YOU FOR ALL THE CALLS PRESENTS PM GOOD THOUGHTS FROM EVERYBODY!!!!!! if i forgot somebody plz complain in my guestbook lol
1:15 pm......goin to shower now....byrons gonna be here soon and then we need to leave to julias party....and ehmmm PJ.......TRANSLATION SERVICE??? who is the TRANSLATOR???? now dont say thats ME!!!!!! hahahaha
!talked to jaff ystd....he feels a bit lonely in aussie...u be back soon babe....
jaffnoisevox (23:08:56): angie....the norther star shines brightly...
jaffnoisevox (23:09:24): flickers thru...moonlite
jaffnoisevox (23:10:08): maketh not a bright spark to earth...but a jewels in dark sky
jaffnoisevox (23:10:25): i see u...angie ..
jaffnoisevox (23:11:03): not near me...far sighted but nearness where harts a flutter
jaffnoisevox (23:12:31): My north my east my morning sun my evening rest
jaffnoisevox (23:14:50): a place where the sky n earth binds..u are my favourite waste of time
his fave waste of time *smile* ME!!!!!!! lol *blush*
dont kill me cause i posted that here..muahss
and i miss jafarrrrrrrrrr.....get ya ass online man....miss talkin to you....*hugs and kisses*
by our resident professional translator.
Check if she's online -->Send me a message
English/German Online Dictionary
[editor's note: hmm..btw coulda sworn i seen dat butt somewhere..]
i hope we all have a good time.
UHMMM gotta practise my malay or my teacher deep will scold me lol...selamat pagi amir... awak apa khabar...awak makan tengahari??? saya perlukan kopi lagiiiiiii lol lol lol
will be goin to bed...gonna have a busy day 2morrow...pj connected to the song like i did.....listen to it and enjoy visitors and friends of HONEYS ya all and remember.........its all good....peace
goto my OUT OF REACH page: full wav sample: download
Gabrielle: Taken from her Greatest Hits compilation: Don't Need The Sun To Shine is an untypical uptempo Gabrielle hit, debuting at no 9 on October 28th, 2001 in the UK. Recent hits have included Out Of Reach from the soundtrack of the film adaption of Bridget Jones' Diary. Her acclaimed album Rise spawned more hits in 2000 including another UK no 1 in the title track. Born Louise Gabrielle Bobb in 1970, Gabrielle was an overnight success in the UK in 1993 with her first release Dreams which topped the charts, and which also became a US Top 30 hit.
Lyrics: Don't Need The Sun To Shine (UK:9), Out Of Reach (UK:4, Aus:9), Rise (UK:1), When A Woman (UK:6)
“Roses are Red,Violets are Blue, Anonymous:
Why Penang..? Why Not Singapore.. Why Not Bali.. Why Penang is Still The Pearl of The Orient goto WHY PENANG LAH? an obvious attempt to get people into Penang [>] ::: pJ shavings of 'bunga kantang', onions, sliced chilli, cucumber and pineapple; topped with thick black fish paste.
Here's your chance to download the recipe and prepare this delightful dish for yourself. |
"Out Of Reach"
Knew the signs
Wasn't right
I was stupid for a while
Swept away by you
And now I feel like a fool
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be
Catch myself
From despair
I could drown
If I stay here
Keeping busy everyday
I know I will be OK
But I was
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be
So much hurt,
So much pain
Takes a while
To regain
What is lost inside
And I hope that in time,
You'll be out of my mind
And I'll be over you
But now I'm
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach,
So far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be
But now I'm
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
So far
You never gave your heart
In my reach, I can see
There's a life out there
For me!!!!!
isnt it funny when a song crosses your way that expresses how u feel at that moment?? or makes you remember things u wanted to forget....this song has meant a lot to me...and now again....
uhhhh andy was skiing today....and he errrr had a not so soft landing in snow hahahahah..he had some scratches on his face...poor baby....muahss on your boo boos..and he said he will give me the present on saturday....hmmmmmm
yummy lookin forward to the cake silvia is gonna bake me...oh man i should go to sleep.........
HoNeY's MuSt-CLicK [Please ensure you're sound-enabled]
"By tHe LigHt oF uRANuS" i dO LoVe YoU :
>> KLiK Me <<
This Butt's For You
Still very much on the topic of her birthday.. this is the EXACT specs & model of a butt im currently WORKING ON for her NEXT birthday.. Notice the full cushion and exciting contours... **drool drool** I think i'd have some chance to give her a run for the money if im on this.. This may call for a MAJOR PLASTIC SURGERY but hell who cares... i hope this is not too graphical for the purpose of my announcement and hope some leverage & leeway is allowed by the CENSORSHIP BOARD in view of Her Highness's Birthday. am sure however a DELETION procedure is about to be applied regardless.... ***sigghhh** get me my helmet!~ yours truly: [bozo]
THANK YOU MY FRIENDS!!!!!! hugs and kissesssssss
deep_metrix (08:01:51): happy bday lurve
deep_metrix (08:01:55): *hugs and kisses*
lovelydarlene (03:05:27): Happy Birthday GF, hugs and kisses for you Hope you have a good one.
rockgods1 (07:05:01): xxoxoxooxoxooxx
rockgods1 (07:05:11): HaPPy BiRtHdAy
thealien1977 (06:52:15): happy birthday
xig_xagger (00:12:58): darling ... CONGRATULATIONSSSSS
and thank you for the greetings from kl 1.....SF, MARIE,PRET, HANIE,FRUITY AND SO ON !!!!
HEY ITS COOL TO BE 30 !!!!!!!!!
madness_181: Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday to you....Happy birthday dear Angie....Happie Birthday to you..
madness_181: Happy Birthday Sweetheart
madness_181: its me mum
madness_181: she said to wish you a happy birthday too
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: thank you scotts mom
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: <<<<
madness_181: hey..
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: yeah?
madness_181: ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
madness_181: yeeeeehaaawwwwww
madness_181: Happy Birthday again Honey....
four_parts_rum_and_one_part_rum: Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Dear Angie, Happy birthday to you.
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: aww ty for the song
four_parts_rum_and_one_part_rum: yw
four_parts_rum_and_one_part_rum: gettin drunk fer yer B'Day ??
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: uh huh
four_parts_rum_and_one_part_rum: good girl
four_parts_rum_and_one_part_rum: <----- Birthday kiss for you
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: ok .......will miss ya
four_parts_rum_and_one_part_rum: I know . I'll miss you too, dont get too drunk wif out me
four_parts_rum_and_one_part_rum: be back soon
hornyblokeinca: HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!
hornyblokeinca: 12:00 AM
Thursday, February 20, 2003
Standard Time +0100 UTC
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: tyyyyyyyyyyyyy
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: .x
hornyblokeinca: .... hope u have a lovely lovely day today
hornyblokeinca: cheers
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: cheers
and ty dani (mr web master) from miami for the pic...good luck in turnin me into mrs web master and teachin me things lol sent ya the postcard hon ....hope u like it!!!!!
am gonna go lay down a bit with my daughter...see ya later!!!!!
dear honey:
im not very good @celebrating things and neither am i good @expressing myself in a normal way spasshly when it
matters most being the goofball that i am. im not very good at stripping either nor am i good at sending presents to people dat matters most when it matters
most like a birthday i mean. but im quite glad i managed to get the coordinates and layout in much better for ur
blog in time for ur bday.
i know its not as good at u'd want it to
be like the other blogs u been to.. but hell blogging's probably another thing im not good at when it matters most.. what im relly trying to say on this
birthday of urs is u mean a lot more to me than words can say and yeah hell why not..
p/s owh i 4got.. february seems to be the month for relly special ppl like u and ME oshkoshBeGosHH!!~™
feb 20 2003
[>] PJ™
long_shanks_666: "Every so often one comes across someone on the Internet who captures your imagination. a whiff of leather mingled with body wash scent on an exquisite lady. Here is hoping that we never have to loose each others numbers .... (or IGGY in Yahoo talk-- lol)" From "Andy" .. E-mail: Long_Shanks_666@Yahoo
thank you andy..the talks with u are always fun
i wont touch your pants pjjjjjj....handle your monster yaself lol hahahaha and i saw julia online.....and missed pmin her buhuuuuuu julia miss you girl *hugs*
You don't have to say, what you did I already know, I found out from him Now there's just no chance For you and me, there'll never be And don't it make you sad about it.
oh my god this song is so powerful
I talked to terry b4 he went to take a nap...he was out again shezeeeeee lol...i am really impressed how he got his body in that every day...i would be too lazy..i am eating right now...and feel guilty lol...can see terrys face infront of me saying tztztztztt hahahaha *hugs* terry
to LARRY.....good luck with your moving..i dont envy you for all the work....but i hope u enjoy your new home..and plz cheer up for gods sake...*hugs*
Welcome to PJ's J-SPOT [JukeSpot] @Honey's B-SPOT!
Song Currently loading on this b-spot is "CRY ME A RIVER" - Justin Timberlake
download full wav sample @ here
23:30 pm....jafar just called..his usual morning call...miss u when u not around lol...and u are crazy ahahaha.
FRIENDS AND VISITORS!!!!! u can leave me a msg on the tagboard....plz do...and thank u again pj for the nice work..muahhhssss.....GOODNIGHT YA ALL
You were my sun. You were my earth .But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no. So you took a chance, And made other plans. But I bet you didn't think your thing would come crashing down, no.
You don't have to say, what you did I already know, I found out from him Now there's just no chance For you and me, there'll never be And don't it make you sad about it.
You told me you loved me. Why did you leave me, all alone? Now you tell me you need me. When you call me, on the phone. Girl I refuse, you must have me confused With some other guy. Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn To cry, cry me a river Cry me a river....
I know that they say. That somethings are better left unsaid. It wasn't like you only talked to him and you know it (Don't act like you don't know it) All of these things people told me Keep messing with my head (Messing with my head) You should've picked honesty Then you may not have blown it (yeah) You don't have to say, what you did, (Don't have to say, what you did) I already know, I found out .
The damage is done So I guess I be leaving !!!!!!
four_parts_rum_and_one_part_rum (19:18:23): Awwwwwww. Huggs darlin
four_parts_rum_and_one_part_rum (19:20:01): you is my blond bimbo sex goddess
3 days left ....then BDAYYYYYYY....jaff just reminded me..its 6:30 pm now
jaffnoisevox: like..tho i am not ur that i am totally resign..but to the outside world..i will not be define......
jaffnoisevox: hey 3 days to be 30 huh
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: yeah
luv_it_when_u_call_me_miel: countdown lol
jaffnoisevox: 36 hours more........
jaffnoisevox: ops
jaffnoisevox: 72 hours actually
jaffnoisevox: 4320 mins
JAFF says i am his fave wast of time *blush*..he is in aussie right now...workin on some project
At the same time BRENDON pmd me...scotts bro...he is my bimbo cyndy mate lol....we gonna hang out together talkin shit bout guys or girls and do our nails haahhaha... i forgot to mention he is my 4th fave australiannnnnn...he always calls me "darling angie" ...he probly calls all the women that ...but it sounds sweet lol..he is in love again...i wish him the best....muahhs brendon
FOR ALL THE PPL ASKIN!!!! ty for bein so a lil wishlist.......
wanna make me a happy girl me a toy ! grrrrrr
and uhhh terry....I WILL EAT THE WHOLE DAMN BARRRRRRRR!!!!!!....gotta catch me first to train it off mr. asia hahahah
AND to BUXXE.....really sowwwwwwyyyyy... i didnt wanna hurt you.....thats the bad thing bout the net...ppl put wrong emotions in others words...u know u are an important friend to me....*hugs and kisses*
click vic's thumbnail for full view
YO YO YO WHAZZZUUUPPPPPPPPP!!!!! the next pic i saw...was man in canada...and also my private dj...he is very talented..we know each other a few years now and he still is not sure if i am malay or not lol lol..vick man bout all the hours we spent on phone...did i sound malay??? hahaha just kidding...i am glad u toned down and i dont have to worry that much bout ya ass anymore
and another MUAHHHHHSSSSSS goes out to practising pool man...soon it wont be so easy to beat me....soon we ready for strip pool lol hahahaha
TO THE VISITORS OF MY SITE!!!!! thank you for visiting and enjoy......u will be readin about the ppl close to me and me myself and I!!!! would love to hear from you
Its 7:15am and i need my cooffeeeeeeeeeeeee...where the hell is my slave????? ah yeh...still tied to the bedpost heehhehe...gotta go and take the handcuffs off ....see ya soon my friends....stay beautiful and its all good
click e-mage for full view
JAFF.......i wanted u to know today..that u are especially on my mind and in my prayers. you are such a beautiful, lovin person. you give so much of yourself to others. i pray that god´s many blessing will be yours - today and every day. you are a blessing to so many, and... we love u very much...angie and julia
i alwiz have a problem wif dis word.. aaaagagagagaga.. but DID ANYONE MENTION F***ing SPECIAL??? wif all due respect to ms you-know-who.. i am being extremely discreet here.. wat else u never had on ur bday honey now tell meeee.. WAT ELSEEEEEE????? **blink blink** sokay i better shadap its her blog.. dang i hate them newspapers.. gives me the "creeps"
we know each other for quite some time now..and u know how much your friendship means to me..i can always count on you and u cant count on me.. i love your honesty ...even when i want to hear something else..and i am sooooo happy that u and brian are finally hubbie and wife..u deserve the best my lovely gf...and all my best wishes are with you!!!!!
When things are confused
i discuss them with you until they make sense
When something good happens
you are the first person i tell
so i can share my happiness
When i dont know what to do in a situation
i ask your opinion and weigh it heavily with mine
When i am lonely i call you
because i never feel alone with you....
When i have a problem i ask for your help
because your wiseness helps me to solve it
When i want to have fun i want to be with you
because we have such a great time together
When i want to talk to someone
i always talk to you
because u understand me
When i want the truth about something
i call you
because u are so honest
It is so essential to have u in my life
click emage for full view
i dunno how many people can recall this luvly tune. im taking off "Yellow" for a while see how it goes.. but its something thats been wif me a long time this song and i think its a very "Honey" song.. so she s still without her soundcard mebbe u guys can tell her if this is
full wav sample
BEING WITH YOU - smokey robinson -
I don't care what they think about me
I don't care what they say
I don't care what they think if you're leaving
I'm gonna beg you to stay
I don't care if they start to avoid me
I don't care what they do
I don't care about anything else
But being with you being with you
Honey don't go don't leave this scene
Be out of the picture and off of the screen
Don't let them say we told you so
Don't tell me you love me and then let me go
I heard the warning voice
From friends and my relation
They tell me all about your heart-break reputation
I don't care what they think about me
I don't care what they say
I don't care what they think if you're leaving
I'm gonna beg you to stay
I don't care if they start to avoid me
I don't care what they do
I don't care about anything else
But being with you being with you
People can change they always do
Haven't they noticed the changes in you
Or can it be that like love I am blind
Do I want it so much 'til it's all in my mind
One thing I know for sure
Is really really real
I never felt before the way you make me feel
I don't care what they think about me
I don't care what they say
I don't care what they think if you're leaving
I'm gonna beg you to stay
I don't care if they start to avoid me
I don't care what they do
I don't care about anything else
But being with you being with you
Being with you being with you
What Spooky Being Are You?
(a personality test telling you what 'true' paranormal being you are)
[>] :::take the test
[>] ::: alternative tests
iF EveR..
If ever you're lonely
call on me
if ever you need me
lean on me
if ever you're sad
talk to me
if ever you cry
come to me
if ever you worry
confide in me
if ever you're moody
sing with me
if ever you're lost
find me..
if ever i'm wrong
right me
if ever i hurt you
forgive me
if ever i'm busy
i'm sorry
if ever i'm weary
bear with me
if ever i'm human
that is me..
if ever you're joyful
jump with me
if ever you're sunny
shine on me
if ever you're merry
i'm happy
and if ever you're free..
please be with me..
SKIN ON SKIN!!! (by sarah connor)
dedicated to scott....hang in there baby..u get out of it soon..dont forget i love ya..muahs ya crazy australian
Just a little bit more love.Just a little bit more passion.This is how it should begin Skin on skin
If you leave me now.Telling me you failed somehow.Better think it all over.Just as long as love’s around.Here’s a true romance.Be aware and take your chance.Tomorrow I’m gonna leave you.But I am here for you tonight
Every single day I want you to know My love is true.So baby let me show you what to do.
Just a little bit more love.Just a little bit more passion.This is how it should begin.Skin on skin.Just a little getting close.Just a little more affection.‘Cause I don’t think it’s a sinSkin on skin!!
Don’t you know that this game is to play Just as long as it’s time.Can’t you see that my heart’s gotta know When you’re gonna be mine!!!
So we better get it on.What is here will soon be gone.When the leaves are falling.Then maybe we could fall apart. And there may come a time When you will forget My love is true .So baby let me show you what to do!!!!
Thank you for visiting my site (which pj created for me..thank you pj). I will try now to add pics and more with pj´s help. So plz be patient with me.
My big day is comin closer.Feb 20 is D-day. My 30iest bday. WWWWOOOAAAAAHHHHHH LOL. I wish ya all could celebrate with me.If somebody makes the decision to come and help me get trough the day me all the support i can get....lets PARTYYYYYYYYYY. till soon my and hugs for ya alll......HONEY
[>] ::: im a creep : PJ