Hey Guys.
Just wanna talk about something that has been going on for quite some time now and is really starting to become something that most of you would consider pathetic. Perhaps even ridiculous. So much now that I have taken steps to have this investigated further and hopefully brought to an end. For good.
You are ( Well at least most of the regulars ) aware of Karen. the woman I left Angie for. The one I dont like talking about? Well.. For today only, I am gonna talk about her. Because even though I am no longer with her, Karen has not completely let go. She is still carrying on as if all this only happened yesterday.
She must think we, Angie and I, are the village idiots. She has left tags in the archives of Ange's blogs in the names of, Taylor, Lolly and even Vanessa. My ex. So funny. Really it is. These people she is masquerading as, dont give a flying fuck at a rolling donut about Ange and I. Well Lolly and Vanessa dont. That much I do know. The funny thing is, every time a comment is posted, its location is always recorded and kept for statistical purposes. and each time Vanessa, Lolly, or this Taylor bloke put in a comment, they all retreat back to the same service provider, and location of where they originate. Spring TX.
How funny is that? Lolly lives in England, and Vanessa, she lives in Australia, and as far as my geography goes, that is no where near Spring TX, or TEXAS!!! How fuckin pathetic is that huh? Its a joke! give it up Karen. Get over it.
Ange even gets E-Mails from Karen. saying all sorts of shit. Really upsets her sometinmes. But as the saying goes. Whatever doesnt kill you, can only make you stronger. And how true it is. Ange and I have been together now for 15 months. we have had our ups and downs, like all couples do. But we have survived and we will continue to survive. Nothing can tear us apart. Nothing.
So anyway. I read somewhere about this guy who lived in the states ( go figure ) and was the first person to be arrested and charged on harrasment over cyberspace. Apparently he sent hundreds of hate mail, via email to Asian students citing his displeasure for them and subsequently was tracked down and arrested. The first in the world for cyberspace crime.
This prompted me to investigate further and ask my brother what he knew about it. He wasnt fully aware of it but said he knoew some guys who worked for the AFP ( the Australian Fededral Police ) and would get them to look into it for me.
So this is just a fair warning to you Karen, and I know you are going to be reading this. Possibly already beginning to find a way to counter attack. But I dont care. You are an idiot. Just give up. Its possible that pretty soon, you are going to have the FBI or the CIA or even INTERPOL and the AFP knocking on ya door. I'm not joking. You have some serious issues. You need to get over it. Find a new hobby. Here's one for ya. FUCK YA HUSBAND!! And just leave Ange alone.
Well thats it from me guys. Gotta call my Angel. Talk to you all again soon. Everything is WONDERFUL!! Hooroo