Hello my darlings ,
we here in the west of austria are blessed with very delightful sunny autumn days.
u can actually catch some sun to heal some dark moments ;)
its so different when u can stand outside and feel the warm embrace of the rays of sun.
looking at the calender u can see that the end of oct is coming. so is halloween. and changing times on clock again. i am never quite sure if we gain or loose an hour. thank god for the media. lol
still playing around with the idea of a fatshionista blog. i am trying to name it right now. any help ladies?
there are a few blog names i can live with but ... well i dont know.... but i will open it b4 the end of this year.
on other note my darling daughter will turn 15 soon. awww i feel sooooooooo old.
i have a 15 year old now. i can do it i can do it i can do it. ooooooooooommmmmm.
need some mraz to calm down lol...
everything will be fine
with love, Ines
Honey i´m home !
Hello my darlings !!
we are baaaaaaaaaaaack ! i wanted to blog more inbetween but i was so busy and exhausted at the end of our vienna days. We walked so much... we shopped so much... we had fun soooooooooo much lol
hope u didn´t miss me toooooooo much!! what?? what are u saying? u are asking if i was gone??? grrrrr
sighhh oh well... in this case i am glad i didn´t bring u anything lol heheheh
we had a fab time just the 2 of us. we did meet up with two friends and made some new lovely memories.
Vienna is just a fabulous city. I fell in love with it a few years back... and i am glad my man just feels the same.
we rented a 45m² appt with fully equipped kitchen (we never used it lol ) and we had only a short walk into the city center. we were up and away early every day and came home late at night.
my man spoiled me i have to say.
he was a gentlemen all through the stay ( he always is !!!)
we spent lots of time shopping and spending some romantic time together. a walk in the schoenbrunn park was very niceeeee. autumn has arrived and the colours of the leaves were so pretty.
vienna calling !
helllo my darlings !
how was ur weekend? hope u are all just fine.
i am sitting in a train to vienna (got up at 4:30 am !!!!) and am happy to visit that historic city.
i always loved vienna. still do. now its vienna my man and me till sat ! yaaaaay
haven´t been there in a while.
my first visit to a mraz concert was also in vienna. didnt pay him enough attention though ... was with a date lol
but it was an awesome experience !! it was just toca and him. mraz pure !!!
my man has already fallen asleep... bless his heart. he looks so cute... aww i love him <3
we are minutes away from Innsbruck in tyrol. there will be a load of new people boarding the train.
there is already snow on the mountains. but as we get closer to vienna.... the mountains will turn into hills.
i forgot to take a book or newspaper so i am glad i got the laptop working.
have a good start into the week every one.
everything will be fine
with love, Ines
how was ur weekend? hope u are all just fine.
i am sitting in a train to vienna (got up at 4:30 am !!!!) and am happy to visit that historic city.
i always loved vienna. still do. now its vienna my man and me till sat ! yaaaaay
haven´t been there in a while.
my first visit to a mraz concert was also in vienna. didnt pay him enough attention though ... was with a date lol
but it was an awesome experience !! it was just toca and him. mraz pure !!!
my man has already fallen asleep... bless his heart. he looks so cute... aww i love him <3
we are minutes away from Innsbruck in tyrol. there will be a load of new people boarding the train.
there is already snow on the mountains. but as we get closer to vienna.... the mountains will turn into hills.
i forgot to take a book or newspaper so i am glad i got the laptop working.
have a good start into the week every one.
everything will be fine
with love, Ines
Lovely Autumn
Hey my darlings !
How are u doing? Are u enjoying autumn? We had some lovely sunny autumn weather and we enjoyed every little bit. My man is on his vacation so we are spending a fair amount of time together. Next week we are going to Vienna !!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !
I love Vienna. It´s such a beautiful city. So full of history.
I wanna go see Frida Kalos pics ! Shopping ! Meeting friends. A wonderful week ahead !
Many pics will be taken and posted here... i promise !
My daughters bday comes up so fast. On nov 9th she will be 15 !! gosh i feel old.
Time flies so fast :((
And i keep thinking i want my lil daughter back !!!!
She grew into such a beautiful young lady. Proud mom <--------
will post again soon.. promised !
everything will be ok !
with love, Ines
How are u doing? Are u enjoying autumn? We had some lovely sunny autumn weather and we enjoyed every little bit. My man is on his vacation so we are spending a fair amount of time together. Next week we are going to Vienna !!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !
I love Vienna. It´s such a beautiful city. So full of history.
I wanna go see Frida Kalos pics ! Shopping ! Meeting friends. A wonderful week ahead !
Many pics will be taken and posted here... i promise !
My daughters bday comes up so fast. On nov 9th she will be 15 !! gosh i feel old.
Time flies so fast :((
And i keep thinking i want my lil daughter back !!!!
She grew into such a beautiful young lady. Proud mom <--------
will post again soon.. promised !
everything will be ok !
with love, Ines
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Hello my lovely ladies !
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month !
I really do hope all of u are into self examination now ! It is so important. And pass it on !
Like i did to my daughter. I cant tell u often enough ! Still so many are victims to that kind of cancer!
In case u forgot !
Here is a chart from the National Breast Cancer Foundation on how to perform a breast self-exam.Go on and try it !

with love, Ines
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month !
I really do hope all of u are into self examination now ! It is so important. And pass it on !
Like i did to my daughter. I cant tell u often enough ! Still so many are victims to that kind of cancer!
In case u forgot !
Here is a chart from the National Breast Cancer Foundation on how to perform a breast self-exam.Go on and try it !

with love, Ines
Hello my darlings !
Hello my darlings !
hope u had a wonderful weekend !
ystd was such a nice and sunny day here. we jumped on our bikes in the morning to catch all the sun !
wasnt only online through my phone to leave a status update. and.. didnt miss facebook at all lolz
different with twitter.... seems i missed jason perfoming on farmaid and his interview. oh my.
need to go through all the tweets and take a look !
important is... make every day ur best day ever ! dont waste it on negative stuff!
i am trying to live like that.
u are u and u are unique ! love yourself ;)

with love, Ines
hope u had a wonderful weekend !
ystd was such a nice and sunny day here. we jumped on our bikes in the morning to catch all the sun !
wasnt only online through my phone to leave a status update. and.. didnt miss facebook at all lolz
different with twitter.... seems i missed jason perfoming on farmaid and his interview. oh my.
need to go through all the tweets and take a look !
important is... make every day ur best day ever ! dont waste it on negative stuff!
i am trying to live like that.
u are u and u are unique ! love yourself ;)

with love, Ines
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