Song of the day - song for a friend

Ciao my darlings !
I just realised it´s tuesday already and i haven´t blogged yet... so sorry my darlings

the upcoming wedding and life keeping me busy.
and... a teenage daughter !!!
oh my sighhhh
i am desperatly looking for a dj that doesn´t cost a fortune.
a few would play but i dont wanna pay € 500 
we are a small party of 25 and i don´t see why
i should spend so much. 
so i am still on the lookout.

i do have an entertainer that plays on the keyboard but .... hmmm can 
he do jason mraz songs ?? 
and that is a must!!!!!
my lovely mrazettes know what i mean.

How is your week going? all ok?
we have nice sunny weather here and i try toget a natural tan
annnddddd to loose a few pounds to get in shape
i am thinking of going swimming in the morning too..
but there is always something coming up..

 i wanna share a song today with you.
it´s one i newly discovered. it´s not that i didn´t hear it b4.
i just didnt listen to it so closely and just now that i rediscover it 
i fall in love with it...
Song for a friend by Jason Mraz
he wrote it for a friend of his who supported him way back in many ways

so i dedicate this to all my lovely friends who stick with me 
and wont run and hide when the goiing gets tough... lol

Always do what you are afraid to do.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

with love, Ines

It´s friday darlings !

Darlings... it´s friday !

1. i love the dresses from Igigi ... oh they are so wonderful !

2. i love to cuddle... oh i need that everyday! but who doesnt... i do make sure my man gives
it to me as much as time allows us. (going on couch to cuddle when i finish this post lol )

3. i love the daily inspiration that comes from the wonderful Tricia !

4. i  love it when my darling man turns on the coffee machine in the morning
before he leaves. so i just have to press a button to 
get to my fresh yummy coffee. it´s the little things that count!

5. i love the suspension till i know what my friends plan for our wedding...
oh oh oh i love their smiles when they talk about it.
sooo happy !!

Never abandon yourself to be with another....

with love, Ines

Happy thursday

Hello darlings!
it´s thursday evening and i am surfing on a oldie wave on youtube !
It all started when i saw a post of and old song... Barbara Streisand
and neil diamond "you dont bring me flowers anymore"
OH i used to love the song.. so singing it loudly i got hit by a 
"wanna go back to childhood" wave

there was a show on called "hitparade" on saturdays and we were allowed to watch it.
i think it once or twice a month. after we took a bath we cuddled infront of the tv
and watched Dieter-Thomas Heck and all the artists who were singing live!!
you hardly find that anymore.

oh it was an innocent time. growing up back then was so much easier than nowadays.
i don´t envy kids growing up in these times.
they are not allowed to do anything outdoors cause they are too loud or disturb neighbours peace.
a lot of crazy lunatics out there who kidnap kids or sexual harrassment.
the world has gotten so dangerous for them.

i am happy julia is not the kind who hangs around in public places.
as mom u cant help but to worry all the time.
at all ages there are worries and problems u have to live through with them.
she is almost 16 now (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and turning out to be a wonderful
young woman.
Proud mom!

we sat together at the pool the other day... oh believe me
it was embarrassing for me lol hahaha
naaaaahh i was just playing around...
my future son in law is a nice guy. they both need to learn a lot
about being in a relationship and they do it quite well.
sometimes i end up being the one telling em how it goes.
oh my... everybody has to learn !
or do we ever stop learning?

with love, Ines

Jon Stewart - the Bin Laden Conspiracy - hilarious !

Happy humpday darlings!
It means middle of the week... weekend is getting closer... yay
today i was diving into a lil Jon Stewart ... 
i just love his humour... an intelligent american !!
i wanna share this video with u...
enjoy and think a bit about it! 

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Osama bin Laden Conspiracy Theory
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

The Uni-verse knows what's best for us, even when we would prefer it otherwise.

with love, Ines

"editors pick of the day " at Bloggersdotcom

Hello my darlings !
a happy sunspoiled Honey yells a happy HELLOOOOOOOO!!
how is everone? its tuesday and the sun is still spoiling us here with weather so warm i went to the the pool today.

ok ok my neighbour talked me into it... i would have been happy
with just sunbathing on the balcony but hey..... good to swim to get a bit in shape!
I do have to fit in a wedding dress in hmmm 
let me check the wedding counter ....
30 DAYS!!!

Oh my i blab and blab and forget to tell u exciting news..
well for me it is... 
when i checked my emails (thank god for iphones lol ) 
i saw so many from bloggers... friends requests and messages on m wall....
hmmmm lil Honey thinks... what is up there?
so much blog love on one day?
then... ya....
scrolling down....
and down.....
and scrolling... 
i saw...
an email....
from... (go check it out NOW!!!)
i am .. EDITORS PICK of the day!

yup .. yeah ... uhuhhhhh 
thank you!
thank you for all the bloglove that followed!

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profundity. Kindness in giving creates love. ~ Lao Tzu ♡

with love, Ines

You get a today - Vlog from the Beautiful Tricia

Ciao darlings,
how are u doing? did u survive the end of world too? lol
now i do have to do laundry. oh well... it was a sunny saturday here 
and we did enjoy ourselves a lot.
my man and i cooked some yummy dinner together and
now its couch time. 
i love cooking together. teamwork. it´s so much fun and we enjoy spending
the time togehter.

As i checked my fb and twitter i saw that the wonderful inspiring
Tricia posted a new vlog. 
Tricias words and messages have become a wonderful new refreshing
renewing part of my life. 
I do try to listen to her apply it to my /our lives here
thank god for her joy of life and sharing it with us.

you can find Tricia on fb and twitter  ( @beingtricia )
and on
visit her and get inspired!
you gonna love her just like we do!!

here i wanna share her new vlog with you...

with love, Ines

"things i love " friday

Hello darlings!
It´s friday wohooo! Finally another week closer to my wedding!
wedding preparations going along just fine.
guest list is up and all thats missing is a dj
but all will be fine.
I wanna start with a weekly routine (fingers crossed) and start a "things i love friday".
its sunny and i am full of energy so i hope it will last lol

1. i love it that a chubby big girl (although she lost some weight) danced her way into peoples heart and became dancing star! way to go !! she is full of confidence and love for her body! love yourself is the message!

2. coffee.... oh i do love coffee.. cant start a day without it! 

3. cant do without the music of JASON MRAZ ! and since Toca is back with him its wohoooo! those 2 just brighten up my day. 

4. Smile! smile smile smile... it makes u so much prettier and happier. 

5. i love mushroom... oh hell yeah.. eat them raw.. eat them a lot!

take good care of yourself my darlings! have a great weekend!
with love, Ines

song of the day - "you fuckin did it" Jason mraz

happy humpday my darlings!
a sunny nice day here and i get to addicted to the song "tomorrow" by TwoSpotGobi feat. Jason Mraz.
When i find a good version i will post it here. meanwhile i share this song with u... laughing while listening to it.
and oh feeling so much joy hearing toca and j sing together. so much harmony. so much love and joy.

with love, Ines

the daily love ....

my cutie pies i wanna share something with u .... i am a huge fan of the daily love ! 
there is always something there for me... to laugh... to love.. to cry ... to grow ... and i wanna share this post with u ....  by elena bower

We have always 2 choices: open or closed. Closed is a rejection, of ourselves or others; open leaves possibilities. When we stay open, we can listen better, we can feel our way into a solution, we can trust and be trusted.
Stay open.  my cutie pies i wanna share something with u 

The Mindful Smack No. 10, Elena Brower for from Elena Brower on Vimeo.

with love, Ines

We have a date !!!

Darlings darlings how are u?
I know i have been neglecting u a lot lately but there has been so much going on!
And the most exciting news is we have a date !! A wedding date!!!!
Oh yes!! It´s June 24th 2011 ... oh yes oh yes !
After all the troubles we took a big step forward!
Now its on organising all. I can use a lot i have prepared but a few things i had to change.
Our budget got smaller with all the troubles and fees and translators we had to pay. 
We used up about € 400 already to just get to where we are now.
But hey.... that won´t stop me. I can live with a few changes. 
I got the place i wanted and it´s gonna be a fab day ! 
And ..... AND i got my wedding song!!!!! My darling hubby to be agreed that we dance our first dance to the wonderful amazing song from Jason Mraz "This is what our love looks like!"
gosh can it get any better?
I already asked my lovely mrazzzettessss to find a good version of the song for me.
My ladies are the best! (avokisses) 
Till now this is the best we could find ...... 

love love love!!!

with love, Ines

Happy mothers day!

Mom's smiles can brighten any moment,

Mom's hugs put joy in all our days,
Mom's love will stay with us forever
and touch our lives in precious ways...

The values you've taught,
the care you've given,
and the wonderful love you've shown,
have enriched my life
in more ways than I can count.

I Love and miss you Mom!

All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.

- Oscar Wilde

I do miss my mom very much and i can see her more often in Julia now. It hurts and it brings joy to my heart.
She was an awesome brave woman. Being a mom is a hard but such a rewarding job. I love being a mom. Seeing Julia grow up is just awesome. Happy mothers day to all the women out there!
with love, Ines

Late easter update

Hello my darlings!!
I know i know.. i have been missing in action.. sooooo sorrryyyyy!! 
in one of my next posts i am gonna tell u why ;)
Soooo easter... as u can see in my pics i didnt get to be the guest but i ended up being the host once again.
Oh well. Saying it with Senor Gonzales words... but Ines... we cant change what we do every year.. its a ritual..commooonnnn !!! 
How can u say no to that? Well i did have fun hiding the eastertreats... since we had a few "big" kids and it was nice sunny dry easter weather we hid some up in trees... well u never know the easter bunny had a ladder and even hid an easternest up on a roof.
Andi and Tobi had some problems getting it down but hey... if the easterbunny got it up there ... lol hahahha
the kids were busy searching around but found them all.. on trees.. underneath trees.. in bushes... in tall grass... busy busy easterbunny.

Afterwards we were tired and ready for the easter brunch. Everybody brought something and we had some yummy brunch. It was very tiring for me though. My kitchen looked like a tornado hit it afterwards.
But hey i didnt even tell u ... i thought i would miss my man but he came home early and i got to spend the whole day with him !!! yaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!!!

like u can see we eveything from veggies to cake (schwarzwälderkirsch) !! we almost ate it all ;) 
hope u all had a wonderful easter!

with love, Ines