Lisa Eldridge - My favourite Sunscreens pt 1 / 2

I wanna share these 2 videos from the wonderful Lisa Eldridge cause i came across a big pigmentation spot on my forehead. my daughter told me about the Clinique Dark spot serum and we went to buy it. it costs around € 87 but it seems to be worth the money spent.

 I actually do like Clinique products and will buy more of them in the next few weeks. i do want to finish my bottles and jars of beauty products and not throw them away. sooooo.... i guess sunlight has taken its toll on my skin. i have never been the one sitting in the sun and boil away. but... it has caught up with me. so luckily Lisa had made 2 vids with her fave suncscreen products ... so i hope it will help u find some sunscreen protection too.

with love,

Sunday ....

Hello my darlings!
hope all is well with u! we (again) have a long weekend over here. and it´s sunday... my man at work and my daugher... oh well. missing in action lolz. have u ever l ived with a teenager? growl. well we are doing fine so far but sometimes could crawl up walls. i do love her to bits. i do i do i do. what else is new? nothing too much i guess.

still stress at work. looking for 2 new people. still mrazmerised. still in love. still loving life. still smiling and sometimes laughing out loud. still optimistic. still loving my friends to death. still keeping some secrets for them.

* Finally .... weekend !!!
* tomorrow i will .... paint my nails in a bright colour ( turqouise is my fave the last weeks )  :P
* If only .... we had some aftereight icecream at home !
* Australia ... is still a place i want to go visit!
* I dont care but.... i will stay myself... the best i can be !
* Water... 3l a day is a must !
* I am looking forward to .... chilling with my friends... bbq and cocktails!

with love,

Monday .....

Monday.... u were not so nice to me....
i give u one more chance ... i want a nice evening...

with love,

Jason Mraz - 5/6 (live Version)

Nowadays i start my workdays with ....

with love,

Lazy lazy lazy.....

Lazy lazy lazy that all i have been these past days. And oh gosh it was so beautiful. But tomorrow i have to get up early again and go to work arghhhh. Now that i finally sleep in a bit. sighhh oh well. Almost seems like being lazy made me more tired. Know that feeling? Strange. I started into this weekend very stressed but it has gotten better. But ... oh wait... lets see how tomorrow goes. I need  2 new people at work. I am not at saying NO to anymore. Yeah i know. I have to be more grrrrrrrr. 

But meanwhile for the rest of this day i will....

Have a great sunday my darlings! 
You aren't the only one. Show compassion to all. You don't really know what each person you meet is facing. Get out of yourself. Share love ♥

with love,

Immer wieder Sonntags....sundays....

[Gesehen] Ghetto Gangz... love it [Gehört] Jason Mraz - Dont change at all [Gelesen] Digital fortress [Getan] arbeit arbeit arbeit wäsche wäsche wäsche ggrrrrrrrrrr [Gegessen] viel salat und errr eis ;) [Getrunken] water... lots of it. [Gedacht] ich bin genervt lasst mich in ruhe [Geärgert] über einen unreifen pubertären jungen grrrrr [Gefreut] über meine grosse reife tochter... seufzzzz sie ist super ! [Gekauft] schwarze Ballerinas [Gestaunt] ich bekomm Pigmentflecken nöööööööööö

with love,

Happy long weekend....

Hello my darlings,
we finally have a long weekend here.
free from wed till sunday yay.
it´s very much needed!!
And... the sun came out today!
lucky we are ;)

I´ve been doing a little layout change.
Still working on it. Not satisfied yet.
Really thinking of buying a customised layout.
Am about to screw up something ... i know.
That makes me miss Pj.
Still dont know where he is at or
how he is doing. hope he is ok!!

been doing some soulsearching and growing lately.
I am pretty happy with where i am right now.
I have loving people around me and we smile  a lot.
I know all i have to be is the best me!

so have a wonderful day my darlings!
keep on shining!

with love,

pics from

Jason Mraz - Don´t change .... love love love

hey my darlings,
busy busy busy
but i wanna share
this lovely song from the
fab Jason Mraz with you.
It´s pure love in a lot of ways ;)


with love,

A Tuesday mindful smack with Elena Brower

hello my darlings!
Happy tuesday ;)
Still a free day here but sighhh
tomorrow at work again.
At least a short week yay!!

today i felt i needed a mindful smack
from the wonderful
Elena Brower.

From deep inside, we are always broadcasting energies that differ from what we're saying. Let's be more aware of how we say differs from what's true inside.
My coach, Lauren Zander, teaches that all lying is honouring fear, and anytime our inner world is broadcasting something different than what we're saying, we're honouring fear.
Go to the love, tell the truth, tell on yourself, and have fun doing it. Read this for clarification...


with love,