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Honey`s Worlds March Hunk Of The Month

PseuDoNyM: HoNeY´s BaBe

AgE: 22

LoCaTiOn: in HoNeY´s WoRld

*HeIgHt: TaLL EnOuGh To KiSs HoNeY ( on cheek )

*InTeReSts: GF, MoViEs, TrAvEl, MuSiK

*AiM: tO HaVe A FaMiLy

*DrEaM oF: SkY DiViNg

*LaSt BoOk i ReAd: "SeCoNd ChILd" - JoHn SaUL

*HoBbIeS:dIvInG, BeAcH AcTiViTiEs

*SoNg I DaNcEd tO lAst: NeLLy - RiDe WiTh Me

*PeRsOn I kiSseD LaSt: GF ( not honey buhuuuu)

*CiTy I WaNt To LiVe In: PaRiS

*WhAt I liKe AbOuT HoNeY: cRaZy, SeXy, CoOL

*My FaVe Sex PoSiTiOn: DogGiE, sexy sidesaddle! (information bout that one with HoNeY!!)

*PeRsOn I tAlKeD lAsT On PhOnE tO: GF ( not me again duhhh lol)

*PeRsOn I WaNnA SpEnD aN EvEnInG WiTh: anggun citra sasmi

*WhAt WuD U Do WiTh WhiPcReAm AnD cHeRrIeS: duh!! i dunno....somebody told me it can initiate a BJ

*3 ThInGs tO TaKe On IsLaNd: does the island provide telecomuication services?if it does the 3 things would be, hand phone, lighter, and a cute lil pic of my gf!

*LaSt RoMaNtIc tHiNg I diD WaS: throw a suprise birthday party for my gf

*SoMeThInG I WanNa AsK HoNeY: *** (censored by HoNeY)***

*My IdEa oF An RoMaNtiC EvEnInG: boating with my gf to a float restaurant, candle light dinner, and nice hotel room with aroma theraphy, (yikes!!!) was that romantic?

*LaSt TiMe U LaUgHeD ReAlLy HaRd: the last time i laugh really hard when I got fooled by a friend on a riddle 


*In 50 YeArS I sEe MySeLf: in 50 years i see myself lying on a carribean beac with my gf....just enjoying ourselves

*wHo Is An InSpiRaTioN iN YoUr LifE: my inspiration would be my mom

*NaMe A TaLeNt U HaVe: a talent i have but no one else...read my own handwriting

*OnE ThInG I ReGrEt Is: one thing i regret is when i hurt my gf

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