Yes girls it´s once again time for me to talk to you about breast cancer... it is so important to know about it... do u self examine your breasts every month after your period??? U DON´T?????.... shame on you!! and i really mean it... its easy and fast to do... u need to take care of yourself girls....
did u know ......
RISK FACTORS- No one knows the exact causes of breasts cancer, but research has shown that women with certain risk factors are more likely than others to develope the disease.
they include...
- older age, half of all women diagnosed are over age sixty-five
- early onset of menses or late menopause
- diets high in saturated fat
- older age at birth of first child or never having any given birth
- a personal history of breast cancer or benign breast disease
- a family history, particulary a mother or sister
- Treatment with radiation therapy to the breast/chest
- breast tissue that is dense or mammogram
- taking hormones such as estrogen and progesterone
- obesity
- moderate alcohol intake - more than 2 drinks per day
- gene changes, including BRCA1, BRCA2 and others
Now to the symptoms ladies.... i don´t wanna bore u but this is important stuff for us...u still with me here? i hope so.....
Generally, early breast cancer does not cause pain. Even so, a woman should see her health care provider about breast pain or any symptoms that wont go away.
* a change in how the breast or nipple feels
u may experience nipple tenderness or notice a lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm area!
* a change in how the breast or nipple looks
this could mean a change in size or shape of the breast or nipple that is turned slightly inward.In addition, the skin of the breast, areola or nipple may appear scaly, red or swollen or may have ridges or pitting that resembles the skin of an orange.
* nipple discharge
u dont know how to make a self examination?
do me the favour ! it´s quick and easy !
everything will be fine
Angie ( who did a self examination just this morning !!!)