Happy holidays!

Happy holidays my faithful readers! i will try to come during the next days and tell u what Santa brought me! It´s very cold here... no snow but -6.... brrrrr.... Julia slept at a friends house and i should do so many other things than sit here... sigh...

tonight i will attend a friends bday party... She will be 50! Happy bday Renate!!!

right now i don´t feel like going!

Had a short conversation with scott and he told me he lost his phone with all the numbers and to tell teena and phil! Alright... i did so today... i do have to say i feel i am being played... both parties told me they wont talk to each other anymore... but who to believe... who can i trust?

i do know for sure now that a big part of my feelings for scott have died... he did a good job... i don´t feel love anymore as i used to... it hurts to think about the time... but i have moved on... i wished he could see a friend in me as i see in him... but men are different i guess...

i had a strange dream the other night... that scott got married and he invited me... i went with B and in church scott turned around .... told me that he can´t say yes with me being there ... he asked me to wait outside... strange huh...

he disappointed me so much... for the second time... but i have learned from it... am letting go...

i am very sad when i read in Aims site today... what is this hating all about?... she is such a beautiful person... i am with her all the way... i wish people would just back off and leave her alone!

To all of you.... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

everything will be fine


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