yeah i know i promised to talk about my stay in vienna in september.... so here we go... sorry its that late ! ;)
train ride was relaxing.... up to 7 hours in a train can go very slow... but i had my music and lots to read... somehow being in a train always makes me think about Scott ( he is driving trains in australia ).... my black sheep was waiting at the trainstation with flowers.... smiling a big smile... we went to pick up the concert tickets.... yeah i was a bit upset he hadnt managed to do that before but oh well... he is a bit chaotic at times.... we went to his place and almost got to the concert to late.... arghhh
the concert was so cool.... black sheep and me had loads of fun.... he was very attentive.... i sang along and he didnt even mind lol.... jason mraz rocked the place and i am an absolute fan of his music now... and of him of course
we finished the night with loads of cocktails.... i hadnt eaten all day and so i was drunk pretty fast as u can imagine.... we drank so many different ones that i almost felt sick... we both got home though lol
next day he had to go to an convention but brought me coffee while i was still half asleep.... wow... yeah there are still guys doing that.... nice being woken up like that.... we hurried up to get out and he caught his train in time....
i spent the day with my dear friend Gabi.... love her dearly... her two boys are just adorable and Michael cracks me up anytime i see him... he is such a darling
we met up with black sheep at night and Gabi got to meet him... it was so cute seeing him so shy... altough he kissed me when we met... that surprised me... we were so tired that we fell right into bed
next day i dragged him to a shopping mall... " are u serious angie?"... yup lol... and we went to Ikea.... he spent more money there than me... go figure lol
he took me out to Burger King.... he is so romantic isnt he sighhh..... gosh what more can i want ??? lol he he
we had a fun day but spending money is exhausting too.... :P
saturday we decided to go see the Van gogh exhibition.... it took us 3 tries till we finally decided that the row wasnt that long anymore.... but we did spend a lot of time in coffee houses that afternoon.... he is a charming company... his eyes are warm but..... he is a charming liar also lol
sorry but u know its true....
the exhibition was so wonderful.... the only negative were all the people.... and there were many....
he took me out to dinner and we had a fun last night before i had to go back home....
that night Brian called me at 4:30 am.... he was drunk and scared .... i got up and talked to him for a bit.... wonder why he did.... i asked him if he was ok and he said " that depends on.... " hmmm
i woke up every day at 6 am to sneak out to the toilet and to call julia...she insisted on that call before she had to go to school.... he just smiled at me and calling me a " heroe of every day life"
it was a wonderful time with black sheep... he treated me like a princess and i was feeling safe.
everything was soooooooooo fine
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