and u dont look 1 day older than that muahahaha.... so today we will do some celebration... but... BUTTTT today is live chat with mr talented jason mraz.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh what am i gonna doooo !!! i missed live chat last time... i have to find a way to sneak a peak onto ustream and see him live. ( www.ustream.tv/jasonmraz )
so i wanna touch another topic real quick. what to do when u see a friend goes the wrong way. and i mean wrong in a way thats gonna hurt the friend + kid. i know the person had a rough time. but there is time to move on now. u cant stay stuck in the same place. having an excuse in sickness. i am sick thats why i dont have to do this and that. my kid is sick thats why it doesnt have to do this and that. i stepped away a long time ago due to other reasons and i got approached lately by different people asking to step in again.
but honestly.... i dont have the energy nor the skills to do that. once in a while i speak my mind but that only has gotten me the outsider position. i do feel bad for the person and i wanna help out. if it ever comes up i will help with all i have. but .... oh well.... stand by ur friends right? even if they make it hard ... and the little lies weaken ur friendship.... sighhhh
u all have a fab day
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