Ten secrects - 10 day challenge

Happy humpday!
how is everyone???
Spent a nice day with my darling
Got treated like the queen i am 
for him lolz!!

so todays the last day of the challenge
and i should share a few secrets.
well i cant tell u all of em lol
but lets see... what can u handle about me??

1.I read when in bathroom.
2.i often go back and check if i really 
turned off stove etc.
3.i had a time as kid when i prayed every single night.
feeling some bad would happen if i dont.
4.I used to write a diary.
5. i want a private concert 
from Jason Mraz
6. i dance pretty rad!!
7.my Julia looks so much like my mom.
it makes me cry... and i do!
8. everybody thinks i am so strong....
often i am not!
9. in the beginning i often asked myself why my
man adores me so much... self esteem was down
10. i love all my friends... even the ones who
are not that close now ( and u know who u are cause
i know u come here still reading my posts!)

much much love to you my darlings

with love,

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