enough about me...

Hey Guys. This site must be boring the dust off you guys with, Angie goin on about me all the time. You'll think she will have something better to talk about other than how sickly sweet I am. But its all good. Ange is fantastic. She really is. I received a parcel from her yesterday ( the day after Valentines) and it was chock a block full of goodies. Now I am gonna have to out do her and send something else back. In it was a couple of pictures of her and Julia, a T-shirt, a book of the province she lives in, a couple of LOVE LETTERS!!, My birthday present ( It rattles ), a drawing from Julia ( Thank You Julia. It was very nice ) a CD single with some love songs on it ( Blech... sorry Peaches ) and that just about covers it I think.
Now.... What to put in hers?? I bought her two cd's of an artist called Alex Lloyd. one of his old stuff and the other his latest. Its a two sided disk. The other side has a dvd interview with Alex himself. Its a very good CD. Also, I got her the best of Blue compilation. I never heard of them til now. Then I realised this group are featured on the sing star game I have at home for Olivia and Mitchell when they come over to stay for the week end. I sing with them, but that song remains unsung. ( thank goodness ) I am going to have to find something else to put in the bow before I send it over. Just what to put in it?? Can I send Vegemite overseas?? I guess I could write her a letter or two, only I never know what to talk about. just like when I come in here and I make an entry. Ange has asked me to do it, so I am doing it, Just have a block on what to enter. Otherwise I just ramble on with crap...pretty much like now. Guess that is my que to piss off and go home. I just finished night shift andd I am getting rather tired.
So its Hooroo from me, and I'll be back again soon.
Scotty....AKA Madness.

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