wednesday. already february. woke up and smsd scott, his bro bruce was replying. quite funny. talked a bit to him cause scott was driving him to the doc. poor bruce. he sent me some pics. and the first one was wooooooo damn i was scared. he had that " tell me or i shoot" look. real serious. makes u wanna yell: i admit it officer, i was drunk but he said he was over 21!!
Hi hi hi. its all good. bruce is okay. he is a nice guy.

valentines day coming up! 1 year!! we made it!! yeahhhhh. we so happy. we talk more about it later.

Scott is really in need of some free days. we had a long conversation yesterday. he misses his kids so much. it hurts him not bein with him. i understand him. he works so much and doesnt have time. his shifts are killing him. but we´ll work something out. its all good.
he got so much going in his life. he´ll make the right decisions. if he just not wudnt be so nice to everyone. ppl just take from him and hardly give back. he has to learn how to say NO to ppl!!
that upsets me, they shudnt take advantage of his niceness. GRRRRRR.

Hello to Hawwy!!!! havent seen him here in years. yeah its been years huh hawwy? but glad u still remember me. whats up man? whats been goin on in your life?

Gotta run. Julia needs to go to sleep.

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