so so so....hmmm so so.... how was your weekend my friends?
well i gotta say mine was pretty interesting....
saturday morning, around 8:30am i get woken by a sms....
gosh i hoped it wasn´t sabine wanting to go shopping already lol (ya i know sabine!!!)
so i opend the message and its from .... any guess?.... common try harder.... yeah?
yes... from Scott.... he was already rotten drunk... ok... i knew he was at Oktoberfest with his mates getting drunk but i wasnt counting on him messaging me...
so we talked quite a lot while he was there getting drunk and drunker... i have to say i do worry about him when he gets like this... he knows i am and usually lets me know when he is home safe...
later that saturday i was pretty busy and forgot about it... SORRY!
we went to see our boys play.... they won 1:0 and we are number 4 now !!!!!!!!!!
WE ARE NUMBER 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( well for this week sigh... hope they can stay on that place !)
so they won and my babe was in good mood... we went out at night and had a wonderful time... i spent the night at his place....
and.... after midnight my phone peeps... a message... i thought NO FUCKING WAY.... HOW DOES HE KNOW WHAT I AM DOING AGAIN????.... its always been like this since we broke up... he just always knew when something was happening.... so it would be rude to look at the message while... well u know what... so i forgot about it and checked it when i woke up hearing another peep at 5:30 am....
oh well.... he was sound asleep beside me and so i looked at the message.... with one eye open...
it was from teena.... ended friendship with scott?... what ? who? where?... so i opend my other eye lol... and asked her why.... OH MY! ok ... the girls were out and one sent a pic of her boobs to him as a dare and he got in problems with his girl?... there is a girl?... now that is funny...
so they got into a fight... i messaged scott too but he was still sleeping having a really bad hang over... later on he told me everything was ok... today i asked him and he was being rude to me... oh well...
i know i would be pissed too if i would still be his girlfriend... but since thats not the case i am not mad at the girls... it didnt bother his new girl that he messaged me all evening... hmmmm... strange story....
i know how he gets when he is drunk and i hope he wasnt too rude to teena!
i also got a sad message from Manfred saturday... his grandma died... she was in a coma for 8 years and i think it is better like this... still ... one funeral to go this week... i promised him...
Andy is being a charmer once again... i´ll get ya one day mister!!! i´ll try to be nice in vienna!! lol
and great news............ AL GORE won the peace nobel price !!! way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everything will be fine
Yep i was quiet shocked that i made a choice to end such a long friendship but the older i get the more i feel i dont need dickheads in my life they only drag you down. i dont have time for shit like that anymore! Ange your a great person & i reckon you can be happy with your new man!
Tell us more about that new guy! Does Scott know about him? I think he would be very interested to know what you are doing!
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