busy busy.... facebook what a great site...... about 1 year (more, less??)... oh i dont know for sure...i think teena or aims? sent me an invite for fb.... so i accepted... created an account and didnt really go there....until a few months ago.... and now it´s fun....
i admit i get frustrated at times when i log on after a few days off and i get hundreds of requests....so i delete....and delete....lol
but i met so many wonderful new friends there......beside old friends like Aims, Teena, Lynda, Daniel, John usw...i wanna feature a few new ones here..... ones i have closer contact with .....i apologise up front for the ones i may forget....my friends list grew so fast....
Joerg .....mmmhhh what can i say? .... my mon cheri.... voulez vous coucher avec moi? lol... my french is real bad....i have been found by him.... he enriches my life in many different ways... i am so damn glad i am more than just boobs to him lol.... he is sensitive, caring, outgoing, sexy, a wonderful passionate father.... and hopefully i am going to see him soon
Seif......funny, wonderful seif.....i think he found me on the social me application? he is a funny, smart, passionate guy who just cracks me up at times... he confided in me and told me a secret that made him even more lovable... makes me laugh....accepts my moods... just fun to be around! and bugging me as we speak.....SEIIIIIFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!
Brian ....what can i say....u all know i love funny guys and he is really cracking me up.... from the very beginning he was making me smile a lot.... he is danish and i am still trying to figure him out....he has a goal to own all of my pics on owned.......good luck lol......today i saw his serious side too... very interesting that man.......
Kent ....sexy swedish Kent.......sweden has more to offer than ABBA.... he pokes me with passion lol.... sent me some real nice messages....sincere ones .... and as i saw he is very wanted guy lol
Aaron .... most wonderful blue eyes....aussie guy.... talented and so funny....julia named a character on a nintendo game after him.... pegson lol.....we talk at times on msn and he is a cutie pie......
Stefano ... bello bello.... my passionate italian friend.... married and a cop...a family man... he is so charming and fun to talk to.... invited me to visit him... gonna think about that....baci baci stefano!
Jason ........an aussie guy who chose a walrus over me lol.......i dont have luck with australian guys lol... he he.... funny caring dad... loves his kids..... think just got his heart broken?... well girls show him there are nice ones of us tooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Chris ....british soldier....family man....funny, sexy, talented.... who pokes, hugs, kisses, owns, sexypokes me with a passion lol....he is away right now....dont know where....army.. hope is ok...miss ya chris!!!
gosh this list would be long.......
my wonderful and passionate pokers Kent, A.Tekin, Bryce, Marcus, Larry, Brian, Mal,James, Mehdi, Vin, Darren.......and so on.....
My friends list is over 100....so sorry if i forgot someone...
the people who care and send me messages when reading my status:P
am gonna stop now... seif is bugging me and wants to read the newest blog entry.....ah here we go seif......
Everything is so good
when u have cool and caring fb friends
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