just because it feels good......doesnt make it right....oh no!
had a talk with a dear friend ( sorry i had to rush out in the end!!!) .......she is inbetween chairs... there is this guy.......she likes....she already found out a few things she doesnt like about him.... but .... when he is gone she misses him.... wanting to give him a chance....what to say?
listen to ur gut feeling ? ya u should....i told her i dont think he makes her happy... hope she doesnt feel bad... she encouraged me to say what i think.... but can u really do that?
if somebody is in love u just see the positive things....love makes u blind....yeah thats true.... and if anyone says something negative about the guy......u rather get rid of the friend.... old story...
so i will be cautious what i will say.....because......she is a dear friend.... i want her to be happy... and if its him then why not??? maybe he turns out to be prince charming? if she gives him a chance then i should put my worries aside too....
i dont want her to get hurt.......but i will be there for her in good and bad :P
she listens to my shit and ditto.....thats what friends are for....
mwah to u!!!
everything will be alright
aww i'd never get rid of you as a friend even if you tell me something I don't like. I value your honesty and I cherish your opinion.
Don't be cautious with what you say to me ... tell me how you see it. Sometimes it's better to have a fresh set of eyes who's not involved.
Still a little unsure on what to do but sometimes you need to take the chance even if it ends in heartache. It's what shapes us to be the people we are.
Everything will be fine and if not ... i'll just have to cry and type it all out to you lol
Mwah to you xxx
u know u can cry and talk to me anytime u need to!!! just want u to be happy and not hurt!
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