oh man....

oh man... one day you will kill me... hi mom i am back.... very freaking funny PJ !... i was looking all over for you... even got a friend to look for you in malaysia but he didnt have any luck... and here he comes back like nothing happens ! GRRRRRRRRRRR........... double GRRRRRRRRR... what am i gonna do with ya .... sighhhhh... i have enough things to worry about...but its all good... i am calm... i am ok... i am glad you are ok... it´s all good...

how are things with you my faithful readers? yeah i know i haven´t been on that much.... i am SORRY ! hmmm let me see.... it has been snowing the last 2 or well 3 days... i love the snow... but i was already used to the warm sun... oh well... this snow won´t last for long i guess... it´s a heavy, wet snow... Julia is doing very good... giving me lot´s of work and gosh my nerves... let´s not even talk about how much she gets on my nerves... well puberty... we all went through it... i gotta relax a bit more... but she is keeping me busy i have to say...

Scott is doing ok... working lots like always... doing nightshifts right now... we hardly talk... yeah like that´s something new huh... i am standing strong... well i try my best... i am not happy... i am not satisfied... but when i say something... oh yeah you all know... then it backfires... so i am quiet and i guess thats what he wants most right now? a quiet girl that doesn´t give him any worries... hey i am doing a good job huh !!!

1 comment:

Juan Pablo said...

waddyyaaa mean yo sent out someone to look for me ayee?? wtf was dat u sent out for me..

well anyway try get on chat wif me at my new blog aight. kill me thurr then.. akk akk akkk..