Day 25 - What would i find in your bag

So, what could u find in my bag. Well a lot of things ! I have lots of big bags. Small bags u can find only a few in my closet ! 
Even in my teeny years my friends hardly took bags themself when we went out. I always had a big one with me anyways. so i carried a lot of different keys and wallets and papers etc in my purses. Its what they still remember about me lol
Nowadays u find more paperwork in my purse. Work ugh.
From tampons to tempos to lipgloss and needles and mp3 player plus cable... what u wont find anymore is kids stuff. Yeah my girl is finally big enough and diapers, extra clothes, toys etc have vanished from my purse.
i have a lot of em in lot of different colours and styles.
i wont publish a pic... just yet (maybe i clean it out a bit lol )
Hope ur weekend goes well !

everything will be fine
with love, Ines

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