Gratitude girl

Let's change the world one breath one act of gratitude at a time!

Have you ever felt like you really don't make a difference in the world or that maybe your
small actions, or your one vote does not change anything?
I know I have sure felt this way at times. and at times have allowed this belief to limit me or the contributions that I make.

When in reality that could not be further from the truth. You are like a violin in an orchestra, and the entire orchestra sounds better because of the tune you play, or the song in your heart.
We can convince ourselves that we are not worthy or capable and yet that too is completely false. With every word you speak, every action you take, and every deed you make you have the capability to change a person's life, and you may never even be aware of the impact you had on another.

We have all heard of the phrase that throwing a rock into a lake will change the shoreline and that is how our lives are. We all live in a magnificent universe that radiates with energy. Each moment we impact the energy field around us, the energy field around the lives we come in contact with, which ripples out into the community, into your city, into the nation, and into the world.

So I invite you to consciously choose gratitude, to think of ways that will bless those around you! Just a few ideas to dwell in the land of gratitude:

Take the time tell someone you love that you love them today.
Make an effort to practice random acts of kindness in your community.
Hold the door open for a stranger.
Smile or wave at the guys on the street holding signs.
Go play with kids at the park.
Allow another in front of you in a line while waiting to check out at the register.
Leave a kind note on someone's car, or a card.
Buy Starbuck's for a stranger.
Go to a homeless or abuse shelter and see what an hour of your time can do.
Leave a love letter for your spouse or partner in a new place.
Pick up trash, yes even if it does not belong to you, this is your universe after all!!! :-)
Pet a dog and share your love.
Connect with a child, really connect, give your full and undivided attention.
Sing in your car, the happiness in your heart will ripple out and bless others!
Send a note card to a friend or loved one.
Even better send a note card to someone randomly in the phone book, or qwest dex white pages.
Send a note card to someone who has impacted your life a family member, a friend, or mentor.
Bless others and send them love when you are waiting in line at a grocery store.

Finally, do things that bring you joy! As you raise your level of vibration you will naturally and effortlessly raise the level of those around you by becoming a beacon of light!

Come on, let's change the world, one act, one breath of gratitude at a time!

Text taken from the Gratitude girls !
I am trying to be a gratitude girl! Yes i am a Gratitude girl!
with love, Ines

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