Let us do it.....

Avatars / Iconsso... he said on the phone... should we try? i laughed and said yes :-)

he he... since julia will be away we had the crazy idea to try living together for a week. Although training 3 times a week will keep him away from me most of the evenings he will still come home to me.... if u could see me now... am smiling a real big smile !

wonder if we can actually work some time out for us... but to know u come home and he will be there is a fucking good feeling !

gosh... what to do... shave my legs... shave... oh well u know... clean the appartment... iron all the clothes .... go shopping... awwwww.....or just be myself? lol... he has seen me waking up mornings so what to fear... i hate housework... i do it but i hate it... i will still try to be my best ... yes sir!

julia has her big figure ice skating test today... she needs to perform jumps too... natural talent she is... very sporty... from whom does she have that i wonder? lol

today and tomorrow we will get some snow... yeah right... who needs snow now??? winter over... damn climate change!!!!!!!

everything will be fine


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