day 03 - a song that makes you happy

hello my darlings !
happy sunday ;) how is everyone ? hope u are enjoying ur weekend ! i am waiting for my man to wake up so we can have brekkie together. i had some fun with some lovely fb friends already. today i have to post a song that makes me happy... arghhh ya so many mraz songs.. but i wanna post some others too dont wanna bore you !
so i go with a song i posted on fb this morning... it was acutally was a friend said that i got reminded of that song... its about a good morning and its quiet catchy and in german again .. sorry to my english readers but just go with the tune its a happy one... this song is not one that i listen to every day but it popped up today and  here we go... a song that made me and quite some others happy

with love, Ines

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