ok ok here is the deal lol.....darlene and me were talkin today...amongst manythings...we talked about body piercings..and since i talked to brendon today...(hello brendon!!!! mwaaa to ya and thank you for bein a friend)..i rememberd his brother scott (yeah that one...dont ask)..and he has piercings...grrrrrrr..on his hmm left? right one? dont remember which side, but on one of his nipples..and a tongue piercing.

so...would it really be so different to have a pierced guy errrr u know where??? ok for those saying, let scott do it to you and find out..NOOOOO!!!! (see brendon i am strong !! lol) i would def say no to julia..no holes in ya body baby.no no no.earrings are enuff!! damn will i really have to fight her for that when she is big? maybe that?ll be out then.. no more fashionable..phewwww thank god

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