
My man hates them. Really hates them. He avoids them as good as he can and that fast too. Well, and there is me. Uh huh. I dont avoid them, sometimes i create them. Yup i admit it i am a handfull. But he loves me anyways.
And ystd it happend again, i misread a line of his and got pissed. It´s the old time issue again. He just wouldnt understand what i wanted to tell him.
We have a big timedifference. I sleep, he has free. He works, i have time. He comes home and wants his peace and there i am wanting to talk to him. It sucks bigtime.

Am i asking for too much? I dont want material things, i want time. Just his time. And lately i get more and more frustrated. And dont get me wrong! So does he. He is as frustrated as i am.
I thought he doesnt understand what i am trying to tell him. He got really upset and i decided to shut up.

Shutting up. Not rocking the boat. Why not be a nice silent girlfriend who doesnt say anything negative or complains. A never complaining gf, i can just hear scott yell yuhuuu. Nah, thats just not me. I can avoid things or conversations, hey its easy being apart. But its just not me. I talk when i have to say something and i do admit it when i was wrong. But i am not the silent, yes honey, of course honey, u are the best honey type. NOOOO!!!

So we will argue again, from time from time. But damn we missed the makeup sex. Shit.
The good thing is, we both know each other and calm down. He is handling me very well.
we dont go to sleep mad at the other person. We talk it all out.

He just needs to understand, there is no competition here. Nobody stands a chance. There is only him in my life. Although i am flirting and going out with andi. but i will be more considerate and tone that down. Its true. i wouldnt like him going out with girl all the time. Yeah u are right baby! i understood what u said.

ah i am tired. so much to say and it comes out confusing.

Everything will be fine


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