
Originally i didn´t want to react to Scottys entry but a few mails asking if i was ok changed my mind.

NO, i am not single!!
And NO i am not upset with him!!

It´s like that. People have different opinions. When he posted that it was 4 am and he was drunk and Australia just lost in soccer. lol. I don´t wanna apologise for him, but that´s the way i see it.
He asked me to take the entry out but i said no, i don´t care if ppl read how he felt right that moment. It´s ok for me and that is all that matters.

I do see it differently. There is a difference for me having a crush on a famous person or a crush on the girl next door or at work. I wouldnt have a problem if he would fanatsise being in bed with Nicole Kidman or whoever he thinks is hot. But knowing he has a crush on the girl next door, wanting to be with her, yeah, i would have a problem with that. Maybe it´s just me? but it´s the way i feel.

He feels differently. So, here we are. Of course i look at handsome men, i said that before. But there is a difference, and i wont change my mind just because he gets the shits with me. But we talked it out and we are ok. He has to accept my opinion too, since i am not a " yes darling, whatever u say" girl. I will always say what i mean, even when he gets shitty.

So to all you ppl who were so happy seeing him post that. Duuuuhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Such shit cant tear us apart. We survived the bitch and her gang, this wont kill us.

Everything will be fine


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