Day 25 - Your day in detail

My day in detail... oh my :P

Woke up around 6 am with my man... made coffee and had some with him.
checked if my darling daughter is alright... ya still sleeping :P
cleaned up a bit and turned pc
then......... facebook.... did my farm, my ranch, my job as mafiosa.... lol
twitter.... a lil mraz.... emails..... updated my blog... coffee... a lil more mraz.....
then work on my new projekt.... wont talk about that yet .... be patient !!! more cofffeeeee....
my girl got up and we had a conversation about growing up and being not a lil girl anymore sighhh..... (not ready for to be so big already !!!! screaaaaaaaaaaam )

we had some lunch and her friends came over !
rainy day and my man got away from work early so we met up in feldkirch...
had coffee and a yummy piece of cake together .... we bought new cutlery for our new appartment... or should i say our new married life that starts real soon :P
we did some more shopping and came home to relax together....

oh i forgot a lil visit from sabine and the kids ( kader brought them some treats ), cuddling my daughter, give her dinner...
from then on chilllllllinggggg (tv, phone calls, a bit more cruising in the net ) till we fell asleep cuddling ( the best part of the day )

forgive me if i left out a bit :P

hope ur life is filled with love

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